OmniWeb Help

OmniWeb Help : Reference : OmniWeb Preferences : Downloads


The Downloads preferences allow you to control where files are downloaded to, how long downloads remain in the downloads window, and how the Downloads window behaves. You can also configure which applications OmniWeb should launch to handle files after they are downloaded.

Download Preferences
The Downloads Preferences pane.

Download files to:

This allows you to choose the default folder that OmniWeb should use for downloading files. This setting is also available on a site-specific basis under the Other pane of Site Preferences.

Remember downloads for:

This setting allows you to specify how long completed downloads should remain listed in the downloads window. After the specified amount of time, completed downloads are automatically removed from the list. The available options are:

Downloads Window:

Shows when new download starts: This option will cause the downloads window to open whenever a download begins, if it is closed.

Bring the panel forward if it is not frontmost: If the downloads window is already open, but is not the frontmost window, this setting will automatically bring the downloads window to the front when a download begins.

Hides when no downloads are active: With this option enabled, the downloads window will automatically close when all downloads complete.

When Downloads Finish:

Open files in "safe" applications: When a download completes it will be automatically opened if the application associated with the file appears in the list of "safe" applications. The application associated with a particular file can be changed using Finder by using the Get Info command on the file. You can inspect, add, or delete safe applications using the Edit Safe Applications... button.

For more information see Downloads window.

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